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Youth Sector

How can a trusted adult outside the family help keep a child safe, and what positive activities can support young people from becoming involved in violence?

Children need the help and support of trusted adults like youth workers and sports coaches in their community. 

The Youth Endowment Fund has a mission, which is to prevent children and young people from becoming involved in violence. We plan to work closely with seven sectors (Youth sector, Policing, Youth Justice, Children’s services, Neighbourhood, Mental Health and Education) that make up a crucial part of the wider system that supports children. As we grow our knowledge and understanding of the evidence, working with you will be key to keeping children safe and giving them a brighter future.  
The youth sector includes a vast number of stakeholders like you who commission youth provision, fund youth provision or deliver programmes and activities to reach children. That’s why we’re focusing our work on two priorities areas, ‘trusted adults’ and ‘positive activities’.  

Why are we focusing on trusted adults?

  • Children who tend to be vulnerable often escalate through statutory thresholds and are likely not detected by services. This leads to greater harms as they accelerate whilst not having any support in place. These children can access a trusted adult who can begin to give them the support they need.  
  • Lives are being cut short, often enough this is supported through serious case reviews as statutory systems are working under resource pressures. Youth workers as trusted adults can be a bedrock of support and are specialist at working with children with the highest levels of need. For example, support for children is offered once a child has committed an offence, bringing them to the attention of the youth justice system. 
  • Children who mistrust adults engage better when it’s on their own terms (attending is not mandatory but voluntary). This relies on building trusting relationships that children see as beneficial, thus increasing their engagement.  
  • In our approach to finding what works, we’ve strengthened the evidence base for youth work specific interventions, which are available on the YEF Toolkit
  • It’s important that we work with the sector to continue building evidence, which will leave a legacy for both decision makers and delivery organisations that work directly with children to keep them safe. 

Why are we focusing on positive activities?

  • Children access a large range of enrichment opportunities that are based in sport, the arts and the outdoors. There are a number of programmes across England and Wales that reach children who need safe spaces to learn, build skills, improve their health and regulate their behaviour.  
  • Coaches and other type of key staff are fundamental to providing these opportunities for children and build strong relationships through their offer. 
  • The different settings allows for children with different interests to access these structured activities with a qualified adult. 
  • The YEF Toolkit shows that sports programmes have a high impact rating on reducing violence. Enrichment programmes such as these are popular with children and a great way to engage with those at risk of involvement in violence. 

Toolkit evidence

See below evidence from the YEF Toolkit about approaches to reducing violence that are often used in the youth sector:

Estimated impact approaches evidence quality
(30%+ less violence)
A and E navigators
1 2 3 4 5
Sports programmes
1 2 3 4 5
Social skills training
1 2 3 4 5
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
1 2 3 4 5
(10%-30% less violence)
1 2 3 4 5
Relationship violence prevention lessons and activities
1 2 3 4 5
Bystander interventions to prevent sexual assault
1 2 3 4 5
(2%-9% less violence)
Adventure and Wilderness Therapy
1 2 3 4 5
Arts programmes
1 2 3 4 5
Knife crime education programmes
1 2 3 4 5
(increased violence)
Boot camps
1 2 3 4 5
Prison awareness programmes
1 2 3 4 5


Explore more approaches on YEF’s Toolkit summarising the best available research evidence on preventing children and young people’s involvement in violence.

Changing Practice

What should youth work commissioners, funders and delivery organisations do to prevent violence?  

In April 2024 we shared our youth sector briefing through presentations that were aimed stakeholders responsible for commissioning or delivering youth provision that focuses on reducing youth violence in England and Wales.  The briefing provided opportunities to identify key interest gaps that will drive the design around commissioning research to inform recommendations. 
We will publish our youth sector practice guidance in Winter 2025 and will include implementation resources for delivery organisations and those responsible for commissioning.

Changing the system

How should the education system change to better prevent violence?   

In Spring 2026 we’ll publish our youth sector system guidance. This will build on the new knowledge we have acquired from the research commissioned and informed by the sector briefing findings from April 2024. This guidance will set out 5-7 clear recommendations derived from the research on what works, with actionable evidence-based recommendations. The guidance is aimed at senior leaders, policy leads, funders and commissioners of youth provision.

Our Strategic Advisory Group for the Youth Sector

Our work is supported by an expert panel, including senior youth provision professionals, academics with expertise in youth work approaches and a YEF Youth Advisory Board member.  

Alveena Malik 
CEO, One Million Mentors
David Knott 
CEO / National Lottery
Junior Smart OBE
Founder of the SOS Project / St Giles Trust
Leigh Middleton OBE
CEO / National Youth Agency
Lib Peck
Director / London VRU
Louise Gittens 
Chair of the Local Government Association (LGA) and Leader of Cheshire West and Chester Council
Sharon Lovell MBE
Chair Youth work board Wales and CEO NYAS
Simon Antrobus 
CEO / BBC Children in Need
Tim Hollingworth 
CEO / Sport England

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Youth and Community Sector

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To gain knowledge of what works, we are evaluating our funded projects in the youth sector, of which are listed below.