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  • Peer Action Collective – East Midlands partner – StreetGames
    Peer Action Collective
    In progress
    The Peer Action Collective is a group of 16 to 25-year-olds who are working to make communities safer and fairer for young people.


    In progress
  • Peer Action Collective – East of England partner: Volunteering Matters
    Peer Action Collective
    In progress
    The Peer Action Collective is a group of 16 to 25-year-olds who are working to make communities safer and fairer for young people.


    In progress
  • Peer Action Collective – South West partner: Young Devon
    Peer Action Collective
    In progress
    The Peer Action Collective is a group of 16 to 25-year-olds who are working to make communities safer and fairer for young people.


    In progress
  • Peer Action Collective – North West partner: YPAS
    Peer Action Collective
    In progress
    The Peer Action Collective is a group of 16 to 25-year-olds who are working to make communities safer and fairer for young people.


    In progress
  • Peer Action Collective – North East partner: Youth Focus North East
    Peer Action Collective
    In progress
    The Peer Action Collective is a group of 16 to 25-year-olds who are working to make communities safer and fairer for young people.


    In progress
  • YES Outdoors
    Another chance - Diversion from the criminal justice system
    The project is a nine-month adventure based mentoring programme for young people at high-risk of becoming involved in violence.

    Project name:

    YES Outdoors



    Activity type:


    Evaluation types:

    Feasibility study, Pilot study
  • United Borders
    Another chance - Diversion from the criminal justice system
    In progress
    United Borders deliver a two-month, trauma-informed music mentoring programme.

    Project name:

    United Borders: B.U.S programme



    Activity type:

    Arts participation, Mentoring

    Evaluation types:

    Pilot study
    In progress
  • London VRU
    Another chance - Diversion from the criminal justice system
    In progress
    The Your Choice programme offers intensive, therapeutic support for young people aged 11-17 who are at most risk of being affected by violence or exploitation.

    Project name:

    Your Choice



    Activity type:

    Psychological therapies

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study, Pilot study
    In progress
  • West Midlands VRU
    Targeted projects
    In progress
    The Step Together pilot project aims to help keep children and young people safe on their journey to and from school.

    Project name:

    Step Together


    £674,000 (delivery & evaluation)

    Activity type:

    Positive things to do

    Evaluation types:

    Pilot study
    In progress
  • Multi-site trial: Mentoring
    Multi-site trials
    In progress
    The YEF is funding a feasibility study of a multi-site RCT of grassroots organisations delivering mentoring.

    Project name:

    Mentoring Multi-Site Trial



    Activity type:


    Evaluation types:

    Feasibility study
    In progress
  • Wakefield Council Youth Work Team
    Launch grant round
    The programme uses street-based outreach, school-based activities, mentoring and youth-led social action to empower young people.

    Project name:

    Branching Out



    Activity type:

    Mentoring, Social skills training

    Evaluation types:

    Feasibility study, Pilot study
  • St Christopher’s Fellowship
    Launch grant round
    The project aims to engage those with a sibling known to the youth justice system, mentoring them to identify goals and connecting them to other services following the programme.

    Project name:

    St Christopher’s Fellowship Protective Sibling Mentoring Programme



    Activity type:


    Evaluation types:

    Feasibility study