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  • Webinar

    Event:Detached Youth Work: Can it reduce violence?

    Listen to the replay as we discuss what the evidence says about this popular approach, what are the common key principles as shared by leading practitioners with insights to their model and future opportunities that YEF is working towards to understand the impact of detached youth work at a neighbourhood level. Detached youth work aims…
    Youth Sector
  • Webinar

    Event:Evaluation at Thames Valley Violence Prevention Partnership

    Join YEF’s Executive Director Jon Yates for this Virtual Learning Café introduced Tori Olphin MBE, the Head of Data Science, Research and Evaluation at Thames Valley Violence Prevention Partnership. Tori shared the evaluation project management tool she has developed at Thames Valley, experiences and learnings gained from running small RCTs and QEDs and reflections on…
  • Webinar

    Event:Social media, young people and violence

    YEF’s Director of Public Affairs and Communications Ciaran Thapar introduced sociologist Professor Forrest Stuart. Dr Stuart will talk through his co-participatory research into urban poverty, violence, and resilience, including his award-winning 2021 book, Ballad of the Bullet: Gangs, Drill Music and the Power of Online Infamy.
    Children's Services Education Health Neighbourhoods Policing Youth Justice Youth Sector
  • Webinar

    Event:Doing Diversion Effectively

    There is strong evidence that diverting children who have committed low-level or first-time offences, rather than taking them to court, can protect them from future involvement in crime and violence. It can also lower the severity of any crimes they do later commit. Diverting children is also likely to achieve these results for a lower…
    Youth Justice
  • Webinar

    Event:Preventing children’s involvement in violence: What works in schools?

    This session chaired by Dennis Simms, Head of Change for Education at YEF, provided an opportunity to hear from experts and practitioners on our recently published Education Guidance.  Joe Collin, Guidance and Reporting Lead, focused on the five evidence-informed recommendations in our guidance and explored the opportunities and challenges associated with implementation. Dirk Pittard, Principal of…
  • Webinar

    Event:Partnership Working with Parents of Children at Risk of Exploitation

    Watch the replay Do you work with families affected by child criminal exploitation? The session focused on learning about how to work in partnership with parents/carers of children affected by, or at risk of child criminal exploitation. The parents or carers of children affected by child criminal exploitation, can be an essential part of the…
    Children's Services
  • Webinar

    Event:Hotspots Policing

    Virtual Learning Café Watch the replay: This session focused on hotspots policing – a policing strategy that targets resources and activities to places where crime is most concentrated. There is a growing evidence-base which suggests that hotspots policing is likely to be effective at reducing violence. This is one of the reasons why in 2019…
  • Conference

    Event:Youth Commissioning: What works to prevent children becoming involved in violence

    The conference provided support to local decision makers (funders and local commissioners) who are commissioning youth work programmes with an aim to reduce youth violence. We spoke through the best available research based on the evidence of what works via the YEF Toolkit, which will drive and transition youth and community sector organisations to deliver…
    Youth Sector
  • Conference

    Event:Engaging with parents of children at risk of violence

    The first Youth Endowment Fund conference for the Children’s Services sector, provided an opportunity to hear from experts across the sector about impactful and promising parenting interventions for children at risk of violence, and how to effectively engage parents/carers with these interventions. Keynote speakers included: We also ran Interactive workshops: A panel discussion was also…
    Children's Services
  • Webinar

    Event:Can sports programmes positively impact children and reduce youth violence?

    In a world where the wellbeing and development of our youth are paramount, understanding the role of sports in shaping young minds and fostering positive behavioural change is crucial. During this webinar we explored the impact that organised sports programs can have on children, not only in terms of physical health but also as a…
    Youth Sector
  • Webinar

    Event:SAFE Taskforce

    Virtual Learning Café: SAFE Taskforce Colleagues from across the education sector are invited to listen to our virtual Evidence in Practice series, so together we can collectively understand the best practice to support young people affected by violence. The session focused on the work and learning from the Department of Education’s ‘Support, Attend, Fulfil, Exceed’…
  • Webinar

    Event:Family Group Conferences – Understanding the Evidence Base & Best Practice

    Children’s Services colleagues joined our online Evidence in Practice, to collectively understand the best practice to support young people affected by violence. Listen to experts on Family Group Conferencing as a form of intervention for young people and their families. Guest speakers included: Sophie Wood, Research Associate at Cardiff University Sophie talked about the Family…
    Children's Services