Colleagues from across children’s services are invited to join a Virtual Learning Café run by the Youth Endowment Fund. This is part of our Evidence in Practice series, which sits alongside our Toolkit giving you opportunity to hear from policy experts and practitioners on relevant research and practice.
The session will focus on reducing parental conflict.
We will be joined by:
Matthew Garlick, Income, Families & Disadvantage Analysis | Poverty, Housing & Disadvantage Directorate, Department for Work and Pensions
Matt is a social researcher with almost 20 years’ experience evaluating and researching DWP policies. He currently leads on Families Analysis within Income, Families and Disadvantage Analysis Division, which involves mapping and developing the evidence on the factors that support effective family systems in relation to work and family life, covering parental relationships, separation, work & income, child support and childcare – anything that promotes positive outcomes for parents and their children. Matt has been leading the evaluation of the Reducing Parental Conflict programme since 2020. Before then, he worked in Fraud, Error & Debt Analysis, leading a programme of research aiming to understand the behaviour that underpins benefit fraud and other forms of non-compliance amongst benefit claimants.
Tom Morris, Reducing Parental Conflict Regional Integration Lead, Department for Work and Pensions
Professor Abigail Millings BSc. PhD. C.Psychol FHEA, Professor of Applied Social Psychology, Sheffield Hallam University
Sarah Ingram, Head of Strategic Partnerships & Programmes, Sheffield Hallam University
The event will run online using MS Teams on Thursday 10th October 2024, 14:00-15:30.