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Themed grant rounds

Funding based on seven sectors we’re focusing our work on.

The Youth Endowment Fund is here to prevent children and young people becoming involved in violence. We do this by finding out what works and building a movement to put this knowledge into practice.

Our themed grant rounds are based on seven sectors we’re working on. Each one will help us learn more about the impact of specific approaches or interventions on preventing violent crime.

Funding programmes to prevent youth violence

Every project and programme we fund through our themed grant rounds will be independently evaluated. You can learn more about what to expect from our evaluations here.

We’ll use the knowledge we build from our funding and evaluations to push for services or approaches that keep children and young people safe from harm and violence.

Find out more about our open and past rounds below.

Closed rounds

  • Themed grant round

    Grant:Positive activities

    We’re looking to learn more about the impact of the arts, sports and wilderness and adventure activities on reducing violent offending behaviours for children and young people who have been – or are at high-risk of being – affected by violence, offending and/or exploitation.
  • Themed grant round

    Grant:A trusted adult

    We’re looking to fund and evaluate projects where trusted adult relationships – outside of the family environment – is a defining or core feature of their work to improve outcomes for children and young people who have been or are at high-risk of being affected by violence, offending and/or exploitation.

Multi-site trials

Alongside funding and evaluating individual projects through our themed grant rounds, when suitable, we’ll also evaluate approaches or interventions through multi-site trials.

This form of impact evaluation involves identifying a group of organisations delivering a similar approach (e.g. mentoring) in different locations. And then running smaller trials at the same time and aggregating their results.

One of the main benefits of this innovative approach is that it means smaller organisations can take part in robust evaluations.