Summer Schools
Education programmes held in the summer holidaysOther Outcomes
MODERATE impact on improving in Academic achievement
MODERATE impact on attending and completing in Higher education
Street lighting
Using street lighting to prevent violence. -
Using closed-circuit television (CCTV) to prevent violence. -
Knife crime education programmes
Programmes that aim to prevent knife crime by educating children about the risks and harms caused by carrying a knife. -
Bystander interventions to prevent sexual assault
Programmes that help young people to identify and intervene in potential sexual assaults -
Relationship violence prevention lessons and activities
Programmes that aim to prevent violence in intimate relationships. -
Media campaigns
Raising awareness of the risks and consequences of involvement in violence. -
Trauma-informed training and service redesign
Training staff and redesigning services with an explicit focus on recognising trauma and avoiding re-traumatisation. -
Prison awareness programmes
Programmes which deter children and young people from crime by demonstrating the realities of life in prison -
Social skills training
Aims to develop children’s ability to regulate their behaviour and communicate effectively.Other Outcomes
HIGH increase in in Self-regulation
Police in schools
Police officers working in schools to prevent crime and violence -
Interventions to prevent school exclusion
Interventions which aim to prevent children becoming excluded or suspended from school.Other Outcomes
LOW reduction in in Suspensions
HIGH reduction in in Exclusions