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  • Barnardo’s
    Targeted projects
    In progress
    This parenting programme involves trained practitioners working with parents to support the use of positive parenting strategies at home.


    Activity type:

    Parenting programmes

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study, Feasibility & Pilot study
    In progress
  • Race Equality Foundation
    A supportive home
    In progress
    The Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities (SFSC) programme aims to help parents to develop better relationships with their children.

    Project name:

    SFSC: Safer Lives Parenting programme



    Activity type:

    Parenting programmes

    Evaluation types:

    Feasibility study
    In progress
  • Solace Women’s Aid
    A supportive home
    In progress
    The Emotion Coaching programme aims to support mothers and children aged 6-14 years by providing therapy once they enter a refuge.

    Project name:

    Emotion Coaching



    Activity type:

    Domestic abuse

    Evaluation types:

    Feasibility study
    In progress
  • MST-UK & Ireland
    A supportive home
    In progress
    The MST-CAN project offers intensive therapy for families where children aged 6-17 years are at risk of going into care due to physical abuse and/or neglect.



    Activity type:

    Multi-Systemic Therapy

    Evaluation types:

    Pilot study
    In progress
    A supportive home
    Through the Domestic Abuse, Recovering Together (DART) programme, children and mothers can talk to each other about domestic abuse, learn to communicate and rebuild their relationship.

    Project name:




    Activity type:

    Domestic abuse

    Evaluation types:

    Feasibility study
  • Triple P
    A supportive home
    In progress
    This parenting programme offers positive strategies to parents and/or caregivers, to help them support young people who are on the edge of care.



    Activity type:

    Parenting programmes

    Evaluation types:

    Pilot study
    In progress
  • Tavistock Relationships
    A supportive home
    In progress
    The programme offers therapy for parents experiencing high levels of relationship conflict that is frequent, intense and poorly resolved.

    Project name:

    Tavistock MBT-PP



    Activity type:

    Parenting programmes

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study, Pilot study
    In progress
  • Brandon Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy for Young People
    Launch grant round
    The project aims to prevent young people with behavioural problems from entering out-of-home care by providing intensive therapeutic support.

    Project name:

    Brandon Centre: SIT



    Activity type:

    Psychological therapies

    Evaluation types:

    Feasibility study, Pilot study
  • Family Psychology Mutual
    Launch grant round
    In progress
    The project works to improve life at home for those at risk of gang involvement by providing a functional family therapy worker.

    Project name:

    Functional Family Therapy Gangs (FFT-G)



    Activity type:

    Psychological therapies

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study
    In progress
  • RISE Mutual CIC
    Launch grant round
    In progress
    The programme is focused on changing the behaviour of young people showing violence towards their parents/carers.

    Project name:

    RISE: Child to Parent Violence Programme



    Activity type:

    Parenting programmes

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study
    In progress
  • MST UK and Ireland
    Launch grant round
    The programme provides intensive systemic family therapy, support and behavioural interventions.

    Project name:




    Activity type:

    Psychological therapies

    Evaluation types:

    Feasibility study, Pilot study
  • South Tyneside Council
    Launch grant round
    Combines teaching of skills with residential experiences, outdoor and community activities.

    Project name:

    Thurston Family Resilience Project



    Activity type:

    Parenting programmes, Wilderness and Adventure activities

    Evaluation types:

    Feasibility study, Pilot study