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  • We Are With You
    Another chance - Diversion from the criminal justice system
    In progress
    Children are referred into this project by the police at the point of arrest when they are found in possession of a class B or class C drug.

    Project name:




    Activity type:

    Pre-court diversion

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study
    In progress
  • Violence Reduction Unit, Nottinghamshire Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
    Another chance - Diversion from the criminal justice system
    The programme uses the moment a child is brought into the police custody suite to support and engage them in a range of activities to reduce their risk of future violent offending.

    Project name:

    Divert Plus



    Activity type:

    Pre-court diversion

    Evaluation types:

    Pilot study
  • Salford Foundation
    Another chance - Diversion from the criminal justice system
    In progress
    The programme pairs young people with a youth worker for six months, following referral from Greater Manchester Police.

    Project name:




    Activity type:

    Pre-court diversion

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study, Pilot study
    In progress
  • Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust
    Another chance - Diversion from the criminal justice system
    In progress
    The programme works with young people, aged between 10 and 15 years-old who come into police custody due to violent behaviour.



    Activity type:

    Pre-court diversion

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study, Pilot study
    In progress
  • London Borough of Lambeth
    Launch grant round
    The project works with young people when they enter police custody, utilising that ‘teachable moment’ to engage them in a 12-week programme.

    Project name:

    The DIVERT Programme



    Activity type:

    Mentoring, Pre-court diversion

    Evaluation types:

    Feasibility study, Pilot study