Call for Proposals: Assessing the Reach and Impact of YEF’s Sector Engagement Work
The Youth Endowment Fund exists to prevent children from becoming involved in violence. Central to achieving this mission is ensuring that our work effectively reaches and influences key sectors involved in keeping children safe. These sectors include, but are not limited to, policing, youth justice, education, children’s services and the youth sector.
We invite bidders to propose an appropriate methodology for gaining a national picture of engagement with YEF’s activities across each sector. However, YEF will be able to provide some support in promoting the survey through established networks and contacts across each sector.
Proposals should outline a robust approach to collecting and analysing data, which should include:
- Engagement Survey to be administered across each sector – this has already been drafted by YEF but will be finalised once the supplier has been appointed.
- Interviews – these would be with approx. 30 respondents of the survey, ideally with representation across each sector.
How to apply
We invite bidders to prepare proposals of no more than 2,500 words, excluding references.
- In the proposal, we expect bidders to include the following:
- Your proposed approach for conducting the project.
- The relevant experience of the team. Specifically, your credentials for undertaking surveys, your knowledge in the subject matter and expertise in reaching different audiences.
- A detailed budget with justification for time spent.
Bidders have until 14th March to prepare their proposals and will be able to submit questions until 28th February. All proposals will be reviewed by the YEF, using the criteria provided in Appendix 1.
The YEF is happy to consider bids from consortiums, as long as consideration is given to communication and how the teams will work well together. The YEF would expect to contract with one lead member of the consortium.
Please send proposals and / or any questions to
Call for Proposals: Barriers and Facilitators to Implementing Diversion Effectively
We are looking to partner with an organisation to identify the facilitators and barriers to the effective delivery of Outcome 22 and evidence-based support for arrested children using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). The CFIR is a comprehensive framework designed to help researchers and practitioners systematically evaluate and guide the implementation of interventions in different settings. It provides a structured approach to understanding the factors that influence the success or failure of implementation efforts.
The project’s objectives are:
- To identify the organisational, intervention, individual and process facilitators to implementing Outcome 22 and evidence-based support for arrested children effectively.
- To identify the organisational, intervention, individual and process barriers to implementing Outcome 22 and evidence-based support for arrested children effectively.
- To explore the role that YEF’s outputs (e.g. toolkit, practice guidance, implementation resources and events) play in supporting implementation of Outcome 22 and evidence-based support for arrested children.
- To develop a plan for change to improve the adoption, fidelity and sustainability of Outcome 22 and evidence-based support for arrested children.
Outputs and timeframe
Final outputs will be agreed with the appointed team, but at a minimum are expected to include:
- A slide deck and presentation summarising key insights.
- A plan for change which includes recommended actions and identifies implementation resources to support police forces and youth justice services to deliver Outcome 22.
- A plan for change which includes recommended actions and implementation resources to support youth justice services to adopt evidence-based interventions.
How to apply
We invite bidders to prepare proposals of no more than 3,000 words, excluding references and are aiming to notify bidders on 21st March 2025.
In the proposal, we expect bidders to include the following:
- Objectives of the project, including the rationale for why these are important.
- Your proposed approach to conducting the project.
- The relevant experience of the team. Specifically, your credentials for undertaking the project, your knowledge in the subject matter and expertise in the proposed approach.
- A detailed budget with justification for time spent.
Bidders have until 14th March 2025 to prepare their proposals and will be able to submit questions until 28th February 2025. All proposals will be reviewed by the YEF, using the criteria provided in Appendix 1.
Race Equity Data Collection Panel
YEF is inviting expressions of interest to become a member of its Race Equity Data Collection Panel (RE DCP). Members of RE DCP will have the opportunity to work with YEF’s panel of evaluators to collect data, as part of YEF’s commissioned programme of evaluations.
Members of the RE DCP will be identified on YEF’s website with details of the data collection services they can provide. Evaluators will be able to invite members of the RE DCP to bid to provide data collection services for relevant evaluations, where the evaluators do not have the capacity or sufficient race equity competence to deliver the data collection with children from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds themselves. Members of RE DCP will be subcontracted by YEF evaluators (please see Terms and Conditions for RE DCP for more details).
Find out more
If you are interested in joining the Race Equity Data Collection Panel, please send expressions of interest and contact details of two referees to Stanislava Klymova ( and Freyja Fischer
( by 17:00, Friday 21 March 2025.
Expressions of interest should be no more than 2,500 words. The following criteria will guide the selection of organisations for YEF’s RE DCP:
- Experience collecting primary data with vulnerable children and young people from Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic backgrounds, either qualitative or using self-report measures (essential).
- Experience collecting data as part of an impact evaluation and/or implementation and process evaluation, including the ability to work closely and collaboratively with evaluators and delivery teams (essential).
- Competence in race equity in research is essential (competence in youth serious violence and offending prevention is desirable).
Please see the Invitation to Submit EOIs for the full description of the application process before applying.
If you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact us at
Request for Proposals: Become a Delivery Partner on the Peer Action Collective
The Peer Action Collective (PAC) is a youth-led model developed to directly listen to young people’s experiences of violence and take these learnings to make change through social action. Funded by the #iwill Fund (A joint investment between the National Lottery Fund and the Department for Media, Culture and Sport), and the Youth Endowment Fund, the network is set up to support young people to take the lead. The PAC model gives organisations the funding and support to employ young people to deliver high quality research and social action designed to influence local change and inform recommendations on a national platform.
We are looking for 4 Delivery Partners in England who can evidence the following:
- Engagement, support and reach: Your organisation has proven experience of recruitment, engagement and a commitment to supporting young people who have been impacted by violence.
- Research readiness: Your organisation can bring qualitative research skills and understanding, either through internal capacity, recruitment or partnership.
- Influence and change: Your organisation has experience in working with young people to create change on issues that matter to them.
Find out more
How to apply
We are looking for organisations who can recruit young people to lead research and social action on one of three topics: Policing, Children’s Services and Mental Health. You can find a response template for each topic. There is also a budget template provided for applicants to submit. Applicants have until 28th April 2025 to submit their proposals to Any questions about the tender can also be directed to this email address.
A webinar on the opportunity will be hosted on April 3rd, with details to follow.