Adverse and positive childhood experiences, and their association with children’s involvement in violenceSECONDARY DATA ANALYSIS
Adverse and positive childhood experiences, and their association with children’s involvement in violence
This project examines whether adverse child experiences, positive child experiences, and the levels of violent crime in the areas children grow up in, are associated with their later involvement in violence.
Diversions from the criminal justice system in LondonSECONDARY DATA ANALYSIS
Diversions from the criminal justice system in London
The aim of this research is to examine which children and young people are diverted from the criminal justice system and what their impact is on reoffending.
Alternative education provision and offendingSECONDARY DATA ANALYSIS
Alternative education provision and offending
The aim of this research is to explore where children go after being permanently excluded and the potential link this has to future offending.
An examination of the association between school absence, exclusion and violent crimeSECONDARY DATA ANALYSIS
An examination of the association between school absence, exclusion and violent crime
The aim of this research is to examine the association between school absence, suspensions and exclusions, and subsequent offending or violent behaviour – both police recorded and self-reported.
Secondary data analysis
Using existing data to explore the nature and drivers of violence.