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YEF partners with the Centre for Justice Innovation  

The Youth Endowment Fund (YEF) is delighted to announce the appointment of the Centre for Justice Innovation as its Youth Justice Partner following a competitive tender.  

The YEF’s mission is to prevent children and young people from becoming involved in violence. It does this by finding out what works and building a movement to put this knowledge into practice.   

The charity focuses on seven essential sectors that help keep children safe: Education, Children’s Services, Neighbourhood, Policing, Youth, Health and Youth Justice.  

This partnership will specifically target the Youth Justice sector. Together, the YEF and the Centre for Justice Innovation will work to grow demand for evidence across the sector and support organisations to do what works. Planned activities include virtual learning events, newsletters and training sessions.  

Systems Guidance for Arrested Children

Last year, the YEF published systems guidance for the youth justice sector recommending seven changes to improve support for arrested children. Evidence shows that targeted support for children who commit low-level or first-time offences, rather than court proceedings, reduces re-offending and violence. A key focus for the partnership will be to put the guidance’s recommendations into action.  

Dr Stevie-Jade Hardy, Head of Change for Policing and Youth Justice at the YEF, said: “There’s clear evidence that improving the way we support children involved in the justice system can significantly reduce re-offending, resulting in fewer victims and better lives for children and young people.  

“Centre for Justice Innovation has a brilliant track record of helping practitioners to develop, share and implement effective practice. We are confident that this partnership will drive meaningful change in the youth justice sector, ensuring that more children receive the support they need to lead safer, healthier lives.”  

Phil Bowen, Director of the Centre for Justice Innovation, said: “This new partnership will be a vital catalyst in spreading evidence-led youth practice, keeping children, victims and communities safer. We are delighted to be working with the Youth Endowment Fund to continue to give frontline practitioners the tools they need to reduce crime and make a difference in the lives of our children.”