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Can targeted Summer Jobs Reduce Youth Violence?

In June 2024 Youth Endowment Fund committed to trialling the Summer Youth Employment Programme (SYEPs) with UK Youth (working alongside the Ending Youth Violence Hub) after the approach had much success in reducing crime and violence in the United states, however never tested at scale in the UK. The England and Wales trial titled ‘The Great British Summer Jobs Programme’, aims to provide over 2,500 at-risk young people with short-term paid employment to improve job prospects and reduce crime. The programme is a funded partnership between the Department for Media, Culture, and Sport, Youth Futures Foundation, and YEF, The trial seeks to evaluate outcomes in education, employment, and wellbeing.  

The Summer Youth Employment Programme (SYEPs) offers short-term paid employment to vulnerable young people, evaluations of the programme came from major US cities like New York, Chicago, and Boston. Originally aimed at improving skills and reducing crime during school holidays, SYEPs now also address racial disparities in economic opportunities. The stateside evaluations, included randomised controlled trials (RCTs), showing reductions in violent crime, with Chicago’s One Summer Plus reducing violent crime by 43%. 
At our next youth sector virtual learning café as part of our evidence-in-practice series, we are delighted to host guest speakers from the US and the UK who will share the insights linked to summer job programmes in each context.  
At the session attendees will hear about: 

  • The current evidence and impacts of the Summer Youth Employment Programmes (SYEPs) in reducing crime and violence in major US cities. 
  • Implementation of “The Great British Summer Jobs Programme” in England and Wales, focusing on at-risk youth. 
  • How these programmes tackle disproportionality and the key principles that are enablers for Black Asian and Ethnic minority children (US and UK). 
  • Have the chance to ask the speakers questions during the Q & A. 

Whilst you are here why not read this Summer Jobs blog by Jon Yates, Executive director of Youth Endowment Fund