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  • Bridgend County Borough Council
    Trauma-informed practice
    In progress
    This project will train practitioners working across youth justice, edge of care, youth development and early help services in a psychology-led approach called ‘Enhanced Case Management’.



    Activity type:

    Trauma-informed training and service redesign

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study
    In progress
  • MST-UK & Ireland
    A supportive home
    In progress
    The MST-CAN project offers intensive therapy for families where children aged 6-17 years are at risk of going into care due to physical abuse and/or neglect.



    Activity type:

    Multi-Systemic Therapy

    Evaluation types:

    Pilot study
    In progress
  • We Are With You
    Another chance - Diversion from the criminal justice system
    In progress
    Children are referred into this project by the police at the point of arrest when they are found in possession of a class B or class C drug.

    Project name:




    Activity type:

    Pre-court diversion

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study
    In progress