South Wales VPU
Another chance - Diversion from the criminal justice system
In progress
See evaluation
Project name:
South Wales VPUFunding:
£541,014Evaluation type:
Implementation and Process evaluation
Activity Type:
Hospital-based intervention
A&E and health services
Cardiff University
About the project
The South Wales VPU operates a hospital based violence prevention team based within a Swansea and Cardiff hospital. The team deliver advice, support and guidance to patients who have experienced violence with injury, with the aim of engaging with those injured whilst they are in hospital, and to promote movement away from lifestyles encased in violence by encouraging engagement with community-based services.
About the funding round
Themed grant round
Grant:Another chance – Diversion from the criminal justice system
We know that sometimes, children need another chance: alternatives to arrest, conviction and custody. Diversion programmes help them do that.