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The Youth Endowment Fund’s approach to race equity

Disproportionality in the youth justice system

Children from Black, Asian and other minority backgrounds are significantly overrepresented at all stages in the youth justice system. Black children are four times as likely to be arrested as White children. As of May 2019, more than half of the children in youth custody were from Black, Asian or other minority backgrounds. Clearly, there is a problem – in the criminal justice system and our wider society.  

The Youth Endowment Fund’s mission is to prevent children and young people from becoming involved in violence. Because of this disproportionality, it is clear that if we don’t challenge the role that racism plays in young people’s experiences of youth justice, education and access to employment and mental health support, we won’t be able to make the difference we’re here to bring about. As an employer and a What Works Centre – we need to make sure we are considering the impact on children from Black, Asian and other minority backgrounds in our decision-making.  

Our commitment to race equity

Our commitment to equality was stated in our ten-year strategy. But intention alone won’t bring about change. We’re committed to being an anti-racist organisation and setting out a clear plan to become a racially equitable What Works Centre.  

We need to use the evidence we create to challenge our partners to address racism. We also must be the first to challenge our own decision-making. We need to do all we can to continue to fund fairly.

We know that we won’t have all the answers and that we’ll make mistakes, but we hope that by sharing our race equity plans and reporting on our progress, we can deliver on our mission in a way that young people across the country deserve.  

Why are we focusing on race equity?

The reason for our explicit focus on race is because of the significant differences in outcomes of the White children and children from Black, Asian and other minority backgrounds who are in contact with the youth justice system. This means that it is almost impossible to deliver our mission without being consciously focused on racial equity.

We need to be clear this commitment doesn’t reflect a view that violence is a problem that is only relevant to people from ethnic minority backgrounds. Unsurprisingly – because they are the largest group – the majority of youth violence is committed by White children. What we want to address are the different ways White children and children from Black, Asian and other minority backgrounds are able to access support and services, including diversion away from formal criminal justice processing. We also recognise that there are lots of issues in society that are associated with young people’s involvement in violence – like poverty or experience of the care system. Our focus on race equity doesn’t mean that we won’t address these too. 

Race Equity Progress Report 2023

In October 2022, we published our race equity action plan. This set out clear and actionable race equity commitments across five areas of our work: our funding, our research and change, our partnerships, our leadership and our team.

A year on, we’re pleased to share our first progress report. It highlights what we’ve done, where we’ve taken significant steps forward and where there’s still work to do.

Our goals and objectives for 2024/25

Becoming a racially equitable What Works Centre means ensuring our work helps bring about a world where no child or young person is at greater risk of involvement in violence because of racism. Being racially equitable means our entire team feel equally welcome and able to flourish as part of our organisation, and that our team have the knowledge and understanding to address issues related to race equity in our work. It means we work with partners who share our commitment to advancing race equity, and we challenge practices that don’t align with our commitment, including our own. 

Practically, this means that we’ve set ourselves goals across four areas. Find out more below about what we’re doing across:

1. Our funding

Objective: We’ll make sure our funding reaches organisations with Black, Asian or other minority leaders. 

To do this, we will…

Objective: We’ll provide funding that reaches children from Black, Asian and other minority backgrounds. 

To do this, we will…

Objective: When scoping new rounds and projects, we’ll assess their impact on racial disparities in outcomes, along with other forms of disadvantage.

To do this, we will…

Objective: We’ll live up to our values of being questioning, brave and empathetic when working with other people and organisations. This means that when we believe that approaches or plans have not considered people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds, we’ll use our influence to understand, question and challenge.

To do this, we will…

2. Our team

Objective: Ensure our team and governance bodies reflect the communities we serve.

To do this, we will…

Objective: We’ll train our staff to confidently and sensitively talk about race and racism and understand how these issues impact our work.

To do this, we will…

3. Our leadership

Objective: We’ll monitor and hold ourselves accountable for our performance against our race equity goals. 

To do this, we will…

Objective: Maintain our internal structures to ensure they remain fit for purpose and help us stay on track with our goals. 

To do this, we will…

4. Our understanding and work to make change

Objective: We’ll invest to improve the cultural competency of the researchers we work with. 

To do this, we will…

Objective: We’ll commission specific research about racial disproportionality and racism and will include relevant questions in research and evaluation projects.

To do this, we will…

Objective: We’ll make sure that all of our work is clear on racism and disproportionality.

To do this, we will…

Objective: We'll translate learnings into activity to change practice to reduce racial disproportionality.

To do this, we will…

Objective:  We'll work to reform systems that drive racial disproportionality.

To do this, we will…