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We’re here to prevent children and young people becoming involved in violence.

We do this by finding out what works and building a movement to put this knowledge into practice.


Youth Endowment Fund Toolkit

We’ve developed the YEF Toolkit as a free online resource to help you put evidence of what works to prevent serious violence into action.

Find out what works for your area of work, and how we can collaboratively help make a positive change to the lives of young people at risk of violence.


To help us make the biggest difference over the ten years of our endowment, we’ve selected ​seven sectors​ where we’ll use evidence to identify what works and what needs to change, so that children are better supported and violence reduces.

For each sector we’ll produce practice and systems guidance, alongside online and in-person events to join.


Whether you work in school, college or Alternative Provision setting, or help to oversee and set policy for the education system, our job is to make it easy to know what works and to help you to make it happen.

Youth Justice

We are looking to improve support for young people who have been arrested, but not charged.

Children’s Services

How do we best support families facing challenges to help them create a safe, loving environment at home?


How does policing best prevent violence – including through working with other organisations where the police are not the lead?


How do we use therapy to keep children save from becoming involved in violence?


How can a trusted adult outside the family help keep a child safe, and what positive activities can support young people from becoming involved in violence?


How do we best support the neighbourhoods sector to support children at risk of violence outside the home?

Our latest research reports

Find out what works through evaluation and guidance reports

  • Guidance

    Report:Focused deterrence guidance

    This report offers practical guidance to help organisations deliver effective and equitable focused deterrence (FD) in England and Wales. This guidance is aimed at the delivery of FD programmes to reduce serious violence that involves children and young people. It also acknowledges the role of influential older associates, including adults, who may be contributing to…
  • Report

    Report:Racial Disproportionality

    The current state of disproportionality Violence has devastating impacts on children and families. While children from all backgrounds can face violence, children from certain ethnic backgrounds are less safe. The majority of children in the youth justice system, and involved in violence, are White. However, relative to their share of the population, some minority ethnic…
    Policing Youth Justice Education Health
  • Statistics briefing

    Report:Statistics update (January 2025): Trends in violence affecting children

    This is an update to the statistics published in our Beyond the Headlines report. This update includes latest data on core indicators for knife crime, policing, health, children’s services and the youth sector in England and Wales.  Core Indicators Dashboard For more details, see the full briefing or our core indicators dashboard.
    Children’s Services Education Health Neighbourhoods Policing Youth Justice Youth Sector

Funded projects

We fund work in England and Wales that aims to prevent children and young people from becoming involved in violence – especially those aged between 10 and 14-years old.

Every programme and activity we fund, we’ll evaluate. We do this because we want to learn what works, for whom and why.

Three young women smiling

Funding good work

We fund work in England and Wales that aims to prevent children and young people from becoming involved in violence.

Finding what works

We evaluate every programme and activity that we fund. Our aim is to find out what works, for whom and why.

Working for change

To make a lasting difference we’ll build a movement of people and organisations passionate about making sure that young people get the very best support possible.

Youth Advisory Board

We’re giving young people a stake in our decision making and a voice on the issues that matter to them.

We can only achieve by putting young people at the heart of our work. That’s why we’ve set-up a Youth Advisory Board.

Latest from YEF

What’s new at YEF

  • News

    News:New research finds nutrition programmes could help reduce aggression, anti-social behaviour and violence 

    New research from the Youth Endowment Fund (YEF) suggests that improving children’s diets through targeted nutrition programmes may help to reduce aggression and anti-social behaviour, particularly among those with neurodiverse conditions.  The research was undertaken as part of the YEF’s commitment to finding what works to prevent children and young people from becoming involved in…
  • Blog

    Blog:Evaluating Violence Prevention: Key Insights for School Leaders 

    The impact of violence on young people   Violence and the fear of violence has both physical and emotional impacts on children and young people, perhaps more acutely than many of us realise.  67% of teenage children are concerned about becoming victims of violence and 22% say that the anxiety has taken a toll on their…
  • Blog

    Blog:Safe Episode 1 Launch

    On Adolescence  Over the weekend, without taking a break, I watched all four episodes of Adolescence, Stephen Graham’s Netflix mini-series about the arrest of a 13-year-old schoolboy for murdering one of his classmates and its impact on his life, family and community.   I was gripped, partially because it is a rare thing for British television…


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  • New Toolkit strands
  • New guidance reports
  • New funding rounds
  • New research: one of the largest studies of children’s experiences of violence.

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