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  • National Children’s Bureau
    Trauma-informed practice
    In progress
    Fostering Connections offers training and support to help social work teams, working with young people in foster care, and their foster carers understand and use trauma-informed practices.



    Activity type:

    Trauma-informed training and service redesign

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study
    In progress
  • Bridgend County Borough Council
    Trauma-informed practice
    In progress
    This project will train practitioners working across youth justice, edge of care, youth development and early help services in a psychology-led approach called ‘Enhanced Case Management’.



    Activity type:

    Trauma-informed training and service redesign

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study
    In progress
  • Knowledge, Change Action Ltd (KCA) and Warren Larkin Associates
    Trauma-informed practice
    In progress
    This project seeks to embed a whole-school approach to trauma-informed practice in secondary schools.



    Activity type:

    Trauma-informed training and service redesign

    Evaluation types:

    Efficacy study
    In progress
  • Trauma-Informed Schools UK
    Trauma-informed practice
    In progress
    This project seeks to use a whole-school approach to trauma-informed practice, as well as provide targeted support to individual students in secondary schools.


    Activity type:

    Trauma-informed training and service redesign
    In progress