Violence Reduction Unit, Nottinghamshire Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
Another chance - Diversion from the criminal justice system
See evaluation
Project name:
Divert PlusFunding:
£1,433,125Evaluation type:
Pilot study
Activity Type:
Pre-court diversion
Cordis Bright, University of Greenwich
About the project – Divert Plus
Divert Plus intervenes at the ‘teachable/learning moment’ that young people experience immediately after they enter police custody following an arrest for a violent or violence-related offence. They are provided with critical support, advice and advocacy whilst in the custody suite, giving young people an increased awareness of their legal rights and the alternatives to prosecution available through Out Of Court Disposals, including restorative justice where applicable. Having addressed the immediate needs of the young person, a package of longer-term support is offered which typically lasts for nine months.
About the funding round
Themed grant round
Grant:Another chance – Diversion from the criminal justice system
We know that sometimes, children need another chance: alternatives to arrest, conviction and custody. Diversion programmes help them do that.